Finding creative expression through architecture

I began my employment here at Architects DCA about 8 months ago and I was asked to write my first blog about myself and what I enjoy most. Self-evaluation is always a struggle, so where do I begin?
Being a person who loves expansion and all angles of work, I felt the comfortability of the architectural world that I was so warmly welcomed to here at DCA. It must have stemmed from my passion and love of dance. Dance is about art and freedom. There’s just something about the feeling of balance being restored, letting your brain unwind and the freeing feeling of rhythm that appeals me to the art of dance. It’s a whole different room of angles and creativity.
I know dance can be fast, wild or sometimes sporadic and unpredictable, but that is what I am used to. The same applies to architecture; that everyday call, the meetings, the paperwork, the ups and downs, the attention to detail when establishing deadlines – it’s perfect for me because there is no limit to what life can create and the design you could put towards having a routine. I now know that the natural freedom of design in dance can be applied to the finance and architecture world. No mind is alike, no design is alike!
Here at Architects DCA, each day brings new tasks, new people and new ideas. It’s a whole new space for me to broaden my knowledge and I am truly grateful to be a part of this team. I am getting my satisfaction knowing we are developing an amazing future together, while we continue to help build a better, more sustainable future for our city.