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Permission for fun
Ottawa has long held a reputation as a place that fun forgot. People who live here know that there is a lot to love about…
Investing in ethics: why unpaid interns need to be subjected to professional standards.
Investing in ethics: Why unpaid interns need to be subjected to professional standards. Many jobs require, or expect, some form of apprenticeship as a sort…
Putting Ottawa’s public properties to better use
With a little creativity, government-owned land can help increase affordable housing and enhance our community. In January 2020, the City of Ottawa declared a housing emergency….
How to achieve a fair procurement process
A level playing field makes for a solid foundation for infrastructure. Procurement, through a Request for Proposal (RFP), is how architects and engineers are hired…
Build us up: embracing social infrastructure
Our physical infrastructure supports a social infrastructure, which is why design industries need to be involved in those conversations. When people talk about spending to…
How public washrooms make for a more welcoming city
Creating a welcoming environment is no easy task for small businesses. Finding the right space, fitting up the location, and attracting customers are typically top-of-mind…