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Support for the ByWard Market Public Realm Plan.
Architects DCA prepared a pro-bono urban design study of the ByWard Market. This was published in draft form in October of 2018 and a final…
Holding out for Heritage: preserving Ottawa’s Alexandra Bridge in the name of sustainability and history
Our built heritage is part of our culture. Few people would debate that we need to conserve, restore, and respect the cultural institutions that house…
2020 TTMAC Hardsurface Award, Delta Hotel Pool
It’s always a great feeling when hard work gets the recognition it deserves. Euro Tile & Stone’s Delta Hotel Pool restoration project was something that…
Comments and observations on V5 Energy Evolution Strategy
Thank- you While great to acknowledge partners and supporters, there is an absence of architects and engineers in the document; this speaks to a lack…
Building Trust: the foundation of respect is see-through
“Inside every cynical person is a disappointed idealist.” – George Carlin There is something in the Zeitgeist telling us to stop trusting in authority. It’s…
Social infrastructure and the role architects play
A #betterbyward Market is an opportunity for social infrastructure that respects our #heritage and creates a festival space for people” When people talk about spending…