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Finding creative expression through architecture
I began my employment here at Architects DCA about 8 months ago and I was asked to write my first blog about myself and what…
Plan. Do. Check. Act. – How an ISO 9001 Certification means quality
If you’re in business, you’re likely already doing this in your line of work. ISO 9001 Certification gives us a framework for making sure that…
Eliminating eyesores
How Ottawa can address its empty and abandoned buildings Apathy is costing our communities Vacant and derelict buildings tear holes in our communities. They harm…
Canada’s broken procurement system is a threat to the public interest
We have a problem with procurement. Procurement is the way public institutions such as governments purchase professional services and materials. It starts with a request…
Are our roofs a wasted resource?
I have occasionally worked on high floors in office buildings, which means I get to see the roofs below me. I have memories of the…
“Five Big Moves” of Ottawa’s new Official Plan
City staff should be congratulated for setting an ambitious goal with the “Five Big Moves” of Ottawa’s new Official Plan. These are, indeed, big moves…