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There should be a rule about that!
As someone who has written policies for companies large and small, people often assume that I am “for” policies, rules and laws. And I am,…
Let’s normalize equity in design
In Layman’s Terms (A Non-Architect’s Point of View) “Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written:…
Climate change is everywhere
Climate change is everywhere, and architecture has a big part to play in making change. Awareness of the built environment, and its role in effecting…
Awards: the echo chamber of the mainstream
In Layman’s Terms (A Non-Architect’s Point of View) It feels like we’re perpetually in awards season. There’s always some group patting themselves on the back….
Accessibility in the Built Environment | CBC Ottawa Morning
On Monday, March 11 2019, the Honorable David Onley former Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, slammed the Province of Ontario for failing to reach accessibility goals….
Conference characters
A layman’s view (not an architect) For those of you who have never been to a conference, I would recommend you experience it at least…