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The sound of excellence
Originally published in OAA Perspectives Fall 2015 on page 8. Living with teenagers is, among other things, a lesson in tolerating the music of another generation….
Windsor rife for development of community hubs
Windsor rife for development of community hubs, says architect A planned overhaul of the historic Sandwich Towne post office could become a shining example of…
How architecture can bring communities together
How Architecture Can Bring Communities Together Communities are comprised of a diverse mix of people, functions, and uses. The built form that we give to…
Design excellence: what does it mean?
Originally published in OAA Perspectives Summer 2015 on page 8. The busy awards season is now over. Our Design Excellence Awards were presented at the gala…
President’s message
Originally published in OAA Perspectives Spring 2015 on page 8. The Theme of this issue of OAA Perspectives – Advice for Aspiring Architects – got…
Design enthusiasts drawn to Glebe house tour
Glebe home tour: A peek inside the old and the new Why flip through the pages of design magazines or scroll through websites when you…