Support for the ByWard Market Public Realm Plan.

Architects DCA prepared a pro-bono urban design study of the ByWard Market. This was published in draft form in October of 2018 and a final version is available for your interest. We undertook this work for free, out of a love for the ByWard Market. As a source for some of Ottawa’s most beloved civic heritage, it holds a special place in the cultural memories of our City.
Ottawa should embrace a bold vision for public space. Barcelona’s creation of “super blocks;” the revitalization of Florence’s historic core as a (largely) car-free zone; the pedestrianization of Parisian streets are exemplary European examples. Closer to home, the Toronto Distillery District artfully blends heritage buildings, a thriving public realm and housing density in a pedestrianized space. As a City, we need to ask ourselves if the vision presented is bold enough. Imagine the ByWard Market with its heritage buildings, surrounded by high quality public spaces with sufficient residential density nearby, linked to Ottawa’s LRT as the ideal 15 minute neighbourhood.